1 World Trading Co. news

1 World Trading Co. news


Fall 2009

Another 1 World to open in Portsmouth!

Have you heard the news??
Look for a 1 World on

Congress Street in Portsmouth

next month!!

Climate Ride in Near

Paul will ride from NY to DC, September 26-30, on one of his recycled single speed bicycles! He leaves for NY on Friday. You can follow Paul's Twitter updates: @worltrader111.

Spring 2008

1 World is 1 Year old!

Fall 2008

1 World Traders Offer Products From Here to the Horizon
Ten Great Things to Do in Merrimack Valley New Hampshire

For Earth-conscious shoppers, a visit to the southern New Hampshire city of Nashua should include a stop at 1 World Trading Company on Main Street, which offers fair-trade, locally made, and environmentally friendly products in a beautiful and friendly setting. Items range from colorful handmade Guatemalan friendship bracelets to traditional Granite State body lotions, shampoo and recycled (used) bicycles. Talk about diversity! Open daily except Tuesdays. Phone: 603-881-9111.

Summer 2008

1 World, 2 Wheels

--from Off Track by Andrew Wolfe

The price of gas being as it is, some clever folks are looking toward two-wheeled alternatives. Scooters are all right, but you can’t do better than bicycles, which burn nothing but calories (I get about 30 miles per pizza slice, or thereabouts).

Paul Keegan got into bicycling in a big way more than 20 years ago, when he was invited to join the “Bike for Peace,” a 1986 ride in the U.S.S.R., Soviet bloc nations and the United States.

Keegan worked for many years as a mechanic at Goodales, and now owns 1 World Trading Co. on Main Street, where he’s dipping back into the bicycle business with a side project, “Re-Cycles Bicycles.”

Keegan was building himself a commuter bike for the short trip between his shop and his north end home, when it struck him that others might have similar needs for similar, utilitarian vehicles, and he was in a good position to fill the niche.

Keegan has begun scouring Craigslist, yard sales and other sources for used, inexpensive bicycles and frames (he invites anyone looking to be rid of or restore any used cycle to call him at 603-881-9111). He has begun to refurbish used cycles as single or three-speed commuters, with comfy seats and fenders, and plans to sell them as inexpensively as possible, mostly in the $200 to $250 range.

“Single speeds have become a real popular city bike because they don’t need a lot of maintenance,” Keegan said, and because they’re simple and inexpensive, they are less attractive to thieves.

Keegan’s son, Justin, also has worked in sales and wrenching at Goodales, and is helping him in the venture, he said.

“I’ve got my fair trade thing going, my crunchy environmental stuff,” Keegan said. “It’s a good tie-in with the business, and a good tie-in with the times. I think people need to stop whining about the price of gas and start realizing it’s a resource we need to conserve and use less of.”

Amen to that.

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